Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Power of Pedagogy or why is Trump, Trump and Hillary, Hillary?

The Power of Pedagogy 

Who made Trump, Trump and Hillary, Hillary?

I love the father of the bride in the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "Gus" Portokalos, the patriarch of the family and father of the bride, is Greek through and through. Every word has its origin in the Greek language according to Gus. 

My first exposure to Greek was as a freshman at The Moody Bible Institute back in 1964. Even before my first Koine Greek class began, I was exposed to a brand new word, pedagogy, when I perused the curriculum Moody offered. Pedagogy is Academia's $50,000 word for educating a child. It is derived from two Greek words: "pais" or child and "ago" the verb to go or to lead. Hence, pedagogy means to teach or to lead a child or young person.This involves more than simply expounding information but also influencing the child as a mentor.

Up front, I need to give credit for information in this blog. A week or so ago I read an article on line and this week read the hard copy in the September, 2016 edition of World Magazine. This article by Jamie Dean was an eye opener for me. I share brief thoughts from the article and encourage you to read it in its entirety. World Magazine  is a monthly news magazine from a conservative Christian worldview. I highly recommend it for your consideration. 

The Bible frequently uses the image of a teacher or mentor training a youth on how to live life effectively or wisely.  Paul taught that The Law was a pedagogue (teacher or mentor) to lead us to the ultimate reality in Jesus Christ. 

So who influenced our presidential candidates? Who helped shape their worldview and value systems? 

Jamie Dean shares that Hillary Rodham was raised in a traditional Methodist Church in Park Ridge, Ill. But, First United Methodist Church hired a youth pastor who was unorthodox. "He introduced the youth group to the civil rights movement but also to existentialist philosophy and radical thinkers like Saul Alinsky, who skewered capitalism and religion." (quoted from the World Magazine article) The youth pastor, Don Jones, gave Hillary a subscription to Motive, a progressive journal that at one time ran a mock obituary of God.

As a freshman at Wellesly College in 1965 Hillary joined the Young Republicans and was a "bona fide 'Goldwater Girl'". A liberal college education and the mentor-ship of a youth pastor shaped Hillary's present worldview including supporting abortion and gay marriage. The Marxist ideas of Alinsky have also influenced her greatly. She eventually campaigned for Eugene McCarthy.

Now who shaped Trump's worldview? His story has similarities with that of Hillary. Donald Trump was baptized as an infant at First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). His parents began to attend Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan were Norman Vincent Peale was pastor. Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking became the first major "self-help" advocate of the 20th Century. The youthful Trump was fascinated by Peale's positive thinking and saw how it could relate to business. Is it any wonder Trump has such difficulty admitting error or confessing sin? Do we need to wonder why Trump boasts that he alone can fix the mess we are in?

Enough of that! Read the article for yourself. 

But, now an old retired preacher needs to land the plane quickly. So what is my point? First, remember how much influence a mentor or teacher can have on a youth? Parents, help your child choose friends and mentors wisely. We become what we think. We think like those who taught us. Do we need to wonder why so many  "Church-raised" youth lose their faith after four years of a liberal education with professors who belittle the Bible and Christianity?

My second application is this: Let us humble ourselves like Daniel, in chapter nine, where he prays for his nation while still living in captivity in Persia. Let us confess our corporate sins as a nation. Our national sins run deep and wide. We have tossed aside truth and righteousness for a mess of pottage. We dare to call evil good and good evil. 

I confess that I have fretted a lot about our present political situation, but I have never fasted or diligently prayed for my nation or the candidates. Think of this: if a mentor can shape a child's mind for life, can God also use a godly adviser to reshape a politician's values and philosophy? Can God use a Christian Vice President candidate, Pence, to challenge Trump? Can God raise up a godly counselor for Hillary? Or, do I believe God can still humble America to the point we cry out to Him in national repentance/ That is revival! That is what we need in America more than another presidential candidate.

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