Saturday, July 23, 2016

Playing by Their Book- why radical Islamist terrorists act like they do

Playing by Their Book

I may get some push back from this blog, but it is worth the risk. Our president and other politicians may hesitate to identify the actions of ISIS and other radical Islamic groups as terrorism, but it certainly is obvious to anybody who is objective to see that recent brutal murders in America is not "workforce violence" or "gay bashing." Over and over we hear people in the media and in Washington D.C. say that the actions of these radicals discredits the peaceful religion of Islam.

Yes, there are many Muslims in America and around the world who seek to live law abiding lives and to practice charitable actions. They make good neighbors. Many of us may even have Muslim friends. I have friends who minister among Muslim immigrants in America as they seek to develop friendships and provide material and emotional support among the Muslim immigrants. Of course, their ultimate desire is to demonstrate the power of the gospel and eventually share the good news of God's Amazing grace found only in Christ Jesus.

So if Islam is a peaceful religion, why do these fundamentalist Muslims carry out so much inexcusable violence? My response is these terrorists are simply playing by their book- The Koran. This may be simplistic, but it seems to me the problem is not so much with Islam but with the Koran. Many Muslims are Muslims by culture and birth like many Americans are Christians only in name without a relationship with Christ.

I strongly recommend that every American read Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, a book by Nabeel Quresh. Nabeel was born and raised as a Muslim in a devout Muslim family that practiced non violence. He was devout in his love for Allah and the prophet Mohammed. He said he believed every word in the Koran and would debate anybody willing to try to defend Christianity and the Bible. A deep friendship with a professing Christian in college led to many such debates. But, little by little his confidence in the Koran faded. Risking the loss of friends and family Nabeel surrendered to Jesus Christ's claims on his life. Today he is on staff with Ravi Zacharias, a Christian apologist and author.

In Nabeel's research of the Koran that he had blindly accepted, he discovered that mush of the violent behavior of the radical Islamists was not that radical- rather they were simply living by "The Book". The Koran includes texts that approve and even command some of the violent behavior we see today including raping women and girls captured in battle. The beheading of Christians on the seashore, the burning a Jordanian soldier, the capturing and raping of young girls in Africa and the horrible slaughter in Orlando and San Bernadino and at the Boston Marathon were actions that are approved in the Koran.

So, I agree with the title Fundamentalist Muslims. Yes, they are simply acting according to the book.

Mary and I led the Muslim Prayer Band while at Moody. We thought we would serve as missionaries in a Muslim country, but God led us into the pastorate here in America. I can say with integrity that I love Muslims. It is the Koran I fear.


  1. Solution to tough question need answers here is one such answer from wisdom and insight!

  2. By the way, whenever someone pushes back and points out the violence that was done by "Christians" such as Nazi Pogroms against Jews or the Crusades against Muslim, it is good to note that these professing Christians were not playing by our Book, the New Testament or by the words of Jesus. Their actions were a complete contradiction to everything Jesus taught and modeled.
