Friday, June 10, 2016

A Time to Remember

One more day and the anticipation is building. Tomorrow we celebrate our Golden Wedding anniversary. Mary's brother and wife, Gary and Jerry Cline, are here from Cape Coral, Florida to help us celebrate. Their son, Ty, was our ring bearer fifty years ago. Jerry played the organ for our ceremony. Today the old wedding album came out and we enjoyed memories stimulated by the photos. Mary dug out our original wedding rings this morning also, and I printed out our wedding vows and the song I sang to her at the wedding. Nostalgia is burning deeply.

Fifty years with a person you love, trust and share everything creates golden memories. I recall the early days and years with all the stress of finishing college and beginning a family and entering ministry at such a young age. I still wonder why Pulaskiville Community Church in Ohio would call such a neophyte. But, then I remember, they were hard up for somebody to occupy the parsonage and preach on Sundays.Those seven and a half years in that country church was the best seminary I could ever attend. There were so many firsts- my first lead pastorate, our first son, Dan, was born, our first difficult relationship caused by my thoughtlessness of giving away our little dog just before Christmas Eve. How I cherish the memories of that loving church family that grew and grew both in numbers and spiritual depth. I discovered God could use a shy, country boy from Nebraska in His great kingdom work.

When I finally was able to go to seminary, I chose Western in Portland. Those thirteen years at Powellhurst Baptist Church were also filled with memories. My near fatal accident when the scaffolding collapse followed by six weeks in the hospital with a body cast, both legs and one arm in a cast were trying times. Mary came through with flying colors- my first visitor every morning and the last to leave at night. Keeping the home fires burning and being mother to growing boys while I was out of the home was difficult, but she would say she was "only doing what she had promised on our wedding day...."through sickness and in health...". 

Twenty three years serving First Baptist Church (now Foundry Church) have been filled with memories. Most of them very good; a few difficult times. Now retired we choose to remain in Bend because it is such a great place to live and to remain close to our granddaughter, Faith, who is now finishing her Freshman year at Bend Senior High. Now we have lived in Oregon over half of our lives so I think we qualify for being true Oregonians.

Tonight our son, Dan, and his family arrive for the weekend celebration. The house will be filled with laughter. Tomorrow a few close friends will join the family celebration. But, the star of the show will be Mary, my wonderful wife and my very best friend. We have traveled many miles together- most of them delightful but a few very difficult times as well. We survived those storms and trials together. Solomon was correct when he said "two are better than one." I thank God that the one person he put into my life as my help mate (God knew how much help I would need).

So, in my rambling today, I want to share the lyrics of the song I sang to Mary (she joined me on the chorus). The words resonate more today than they did than night, June 11, 1966. Today they are reality.

Darling, the day has come that we've been dreaming of,
When at the altar white we'll say our vows of love;
Oh, what a happy time: all gone the doubt and fear,
And, with the promises, we'll add this one my Dear.

Each for the other and both for the Lord.
Oh, Darling Sweetheart, let the angels record;
Vows sweetly spoken; may they never be broken;
Each for the other, and both for the Lord.

We'll walk together Love, thru sunshine- thru the shade,
Weill mingle tears and smiles and travel unafraid;
Halos of happiness will crown each passing day
Til heaven shines ahead and beckons us away.

Words and music by John Peterson
Copyright 1957

As I typed those lyrics in the last stanza, my heart is both heavy and yet joyful. After fifty years, we have less time to share together than has already passed. Heaven seems so much more imminent. But, until then, I thank God for the love of my life however long that may be.

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