Now that I am an older man and have put in “my time” as a
pastor, I hope I have earned the right to share my evaluation of the state of
the evangelical church in America today. I remember those euphoric days back in the 80's when we
were the Silent Majority, or so we claimed to be. Evangelicals, or at least
those who claimed to be “born again” Christians, were no longer a small, fringe
movement. We had become a political cause to be reckoned with, and we were going to
change the world. We were the Kingdom of God unleashed to save our culture and take
back our “Christian Nation.”
Ah, but were those really the best days of the Church? Or,
had we lost our vision and replaced our biblical mission?
In cleaning out the old files
that I mentioned in the previous blog I discovered an article by Joseph Bayly that had been published in the January, 1984 edition of Eternity
magazine. Joe Bayly was, in my opinion, a prophet. He had the deep perception to see
what others missed, and his writings often challenged our corporate Christian conscience.
Writing thirty two years ago, Bayly’s article serves as a clarion call to
the contemporary Evangelical church in America.
In the editorial, Bayly shared a brief story about
a man who had visited Dachau concentration camp in Germany. Reflecting on the
Holocaust, the man asked an Episcopal priest, John Westerhoff, “How could this
have happened in the land of Luther and Bach?”
Westerhoff responded, “That is easy to understand, The
Christian church had become concerned with the here and now; it had lost its
vision and for forgotten what the Bible teaches- ‘without a vision the people
perish.’ But, Hitler remembered and gave our people a vision.”
For emphasis Bayly repeated those words, “The Christian church had become concerned with the here and now; it
had lost its vision.” Bayly’s next words reflect his prophetic gift: “Is it
possible that those fateful words will be used by some future commentator to
explain the current conservative Christian situation in the United States?”
Please bear with me as I share just a few more of Bayly’s prophetic words.
“The American church is a ‘here and now’ church…" he said, " Pie in the
sky has long since been replaced by pie on the plate, godliness by success. Jesus
said, ‘Fear not little flock’; we say, ‘We’re a big flock now, a significant
force in American politics, who’s afraid?’ Jesus said, “In the world you shall
have tribulation’, we say, ‘In the world you shall have prosperity.’ Jesus
said, ‘I have overcome the world’; we say, ‘We have overcome the world.’”
I write with deep frustration because I dare not share more insights
from Joe Bayly for fear of becoming too verbose. But, I am one of those “future
commentators” Bayly spoke about thirty two years ago. Contemporary
Evangelicalism has lost it biblical vision. We are like a river that is a mile
wide and an inch deep. Sound, biblical theology has been replaced with “feel
good” philosophy. The Gospel Paul preached and eventually gave his life
defending has been replaced with a prosperity gospel promising its followers a
really good life here and now. Instead
of reflecting the meekness Jesus spoke of and exhibited, we are proud and
I am deeply alarmed by this current presidential election
cycle. I struggle, when proclaimed Evangelical pastors and presidents of Evangelical
colleges publicly throw their support for a candidate that, from my
perspective, shares none of our biblical values. When I read a quote
from a Charismatic Evangelical pastor saying “Donald Trump may be one of us,” I
cringe. How, under God’s heaven, can any person who boasts" he has never asked God
for forgiveness" be one of us? When did repentance fall out of our vocabulary? God values humility. Trump is the epitome of
narcissism. He claims to love everybody, especially Evangelicals. In reality, I
believe he only loves himself.
Am I angry? Yes! Sometimes, I sense it is a righteous anger.
Other times, I confess it is just carnal. I need to pray for each our candidates to personally experience the power
of the gospel. May they have the courage to do what is right, and not just follow
their party lines. My deepest frustration is not with any of the present
candidates; it is with those Evangelical leaders who claim to be followers of
Jesus, yet they publicly support a candidate that reflects few or none of the values
of Jesus.
Yes, I grant them (and you) the freedom to vote as you choose. But,
to say this candidate is “one of us” is absurd.
Our Christian forefathers recognized there are two cultures-
two cities as they described them: The City of God and the City of Man. This present world and all it
represents is not my home. I am an alien passing through. I am an immigrant
trying to make this world better as long as I live here, but my heart and my passion is for the world
to come. Meanwhile, that blessed hope must spur me on.
As much as I love pie, my favorite pie will not be enjoyed here but “pie
in the sky” to come when I am finally home.